How To Get Poop Out Of Mattress

How To Get Poop Out Of Mattress


Dealing with a soiled mattress is an issue many homeowners can relate to. Accidental stains not only spoil the appearance of a mattress but also pose hygienic concerns, necessitating prompt and correct cleaning methods.

This article will offer simple, step-by-step instructions to remove poop stains and odors from your mattress effectively. Keep reading to turn this daunting task into an easy fix! 

Key Takeaways

  • Quick removal of solid waste and immediate cleaning are essential to prevent poop stains from setting into the mattress.
  • Enzyme cleaners, hydrogen peroxide, dishwashing soap, and baking soda are effective natural solutions for breaking down and removing fecal matter while neutralizing odors.
  • A waterproof or hypoallergenic mattress protector can significantly protect against spills and make future cleanups much easier.
  • Thoroughly rinsing cleaned areas with water and deodorizing with vinegar or baking soda ensures all remnants of odor are eliminated from the mattress.
  • Regular laundering of bedding in hot water with strong detergents helps maintain a hygienic sleeping environment by removing leftover bacteria or smells.

Why Poop Stains on the Mattress Are a Problem

Poop stains on a mattress pose a significant problem due to the difficulty in cleaning and removal, as well as potential health hazards. These stains require immediate attention and proper cleaning to prevent odor, bacteria growth, and maintain overall hygiene.

Difficulty in cleaning and removal

Removing poop stains from a mattress can be challenging. The dense material absorbs liquids quickly, making thorough cleaning tough without the right tools and techniques. Enzymes in fecal matter cling to fibers within the mattress, and if not treated properly, these areas may harbor bacteria and unpleasant odors, leading to potential health risks.

Effective stain removal often requires a multi-step approach to penetrating the mattress layers. Homeowners use solutions like hydrogen peroxide mixed with dishwashing liquid or baking soda to break down organic matter. These act as an effective stain remover; however, you must let the baking soda sit for ample time.

Scrubbing gently with a brush before applying an enzyme cleaner helps lift the stain without damaging the materials inside your mattress. For memory foam mattresses, spot treatment with baking soda post-cleanse is essential for neutralizing any lingering smells that could persist even after rigorous cleaning efforts.

Potential health hazards

Beyond the obvious difficulty of cleaning, leaving poop stains and remnants on a mattress poses significant health risks. Fecal matter can harbor harmful bacteria like E. coli and parasites that might lead to illnesses if not adequately addressed.

Skin infections, allergies, respiratory problems, and other health issues can arise from continuous exposure to these contaminants in your sleeping environment.

Proper sanitation practices must include using an enzyme cleaner or a well-mixed hydrogen peroxide solution to eliminate fecal pathogens from the mattress surface thoroughly. Neglecting this critical step not only keeps unwanted odors but also compromises the overall hygiene of your home, putting family members at risk for potential health complications associated with unsanitary conditions.

How to get poop stains out of a mattress?

To effectively remove poop stains from a mattress, start by disposing of any solid waste and then assess the stain. Choose the right cleaner for the job, remove and wash bedding, and finally rinse and deodorize the affected area.

Dispose of solid waste.

Carefully remove any solid waste from the mattress using a flat-edged tool like a dustpan or scraper, being cautious not to push the waste deeper into the fabric. Act swiftly and gently to avoid spreading the stain and mess further.

Once collected, seal it in a plastic bag before disposing of it in your outside trash can.

Immediately following removal, address any residue left on the mattress surface. A cloth dampened with an enzyme cleaner can be dabbed onto affected areas for an initial treatment.

This step is vital as enzymes work to break down organic materials, making them easier to wipe away without embedding stains into your mattress fibers.

Assess the stain to remove poop stains.

First, carefully examine the mattress to determine the extent of the poop stain. Look for any solid waste and dispose of it immediately. Then, identify the affected area and choose a suitable cleaner based on the type of stain – whether old or fresh.

This could be an enzyme cleaner for tough stains, a homemade solution with hydrogen peroxide, liquid dishwashing detergent like Dawn, and baking soda for milder stains. Once the appropriate cleaner is selected, proceed with the next steps in effectively removing the poop stain from your mattress.

After assessing the stain’s severity, note if any odor persists even after cleaning. If so, consider using white vinegar and baking soda to deodorize and eliminate any lingering smells left behind by fecal matter.

Choose the right cleaner.

To effectively remove poop stains from a mattress, it’s crucial to choose the right cleaner. Look for an enzyme-based cleaner or create your solution using hydrogen peroxide and liquid dishwashing soap like Dawn.

Additionally, baking soda can be used to deodorize the mattress after cleaning. These products effectively break down organic matter and eliminate odors associated with fecal stains.

To check for colorfastness and potential adverse reactions, you spot-test any cleaner on a small, inconspicuous mattress area first. Once the appropriate cleaner is selected, apply it to the stained area following product instructions or homemade solution ratios for optimal stain removal.

For pesky memory foam mattress stains, consider applying additional baking soda to spots that still emit unpleasant odors even after cleaning.

Remove and wash bedding.

Remove all bedding from the affected mattress. Make sure to dispose of any solid waste carefully, then assess the stain’s extent. Choose a suitable cleaner based on the type of mattress and apply it directly to the stained area.

Once complete, rinse off the cleaner and deodorize with baking soda and white vinegar.

Wash all bedding in hot water using an enzyme-based cleaner to remove any remaining fecal matter or odor. Remember to act promptly for the best results in eliminating poop stains from your mattress, helping you maintain a clean and sanitary sleeping environment.

Rinse and deodorize

After treating the poop stain on the mattress, it’s crucial to rinse and deodorize the affected area thoroughly. Utilizing white vinegar and water is a simple way to neutralize odors.

Spritz the solution onto the stained area and allow it to air dry completely for a practical deodorizing effect. Additionally, sprinkle baking soda evenly over the mattress surface to absorb any lingering smells before vacuuming it off after 8-10 hours.

Rinsing and deodorizing are critical in ensuring that any remaining traces of odor or residue are entirely eradicated from the mattress, leaving it fresh, clean, and free from any reminders of past accidents.

Tips for Cleaning and Preventing Poop Stains

To prevent poop stains on your mattress, consider using a mattress protector and laundering affected bedding regularly. Act quickly to remove any solids, disinfect the area, and use proper cleaning techniques to ensure a clean and odor-free mattress.

Mattress protector To prevent poop stains

Use a mattress protector.

To safeguard your mattress from potential poop stains and odors, it’s essential to use a mattress protector. This protective covering is a barrier against liquids and solids, preventing them from seeping into the mattress fabric.

By utilizing a mattress protector, you can easily remove and wash it when accidents occur, keeping your mattress clean and stain-free. Additionally, investing in a waterproof or hypoallergenic mattress protector provides an added layer of defense against spills and allergens, ensuring the longevity of your mattress while promoting cleanliness.

By incorporating a reliable mattress protector into your bedding ensemble, you can effectively minimize the impact of any unfortunate accidents on your mattress. This proactive approach not only simplifies cleaning but also maintains the hygiene and condition of your valuable investment.

Launder affected bedding regularly.

Launder affected bedding regularly.

Regularly laundering the affected bedding is crucial for maintaining a clean and odor-free mattress. Wash the soiled bedding using hot water and an appropriate detergent to remove residual fecal matter and eliminate unpleasant odors effectively.

Ensure thorough drying of the bedding to prevent bacteria or mold growth.

By washing the affected bedding regularly, homeowners can maintain a hygienic sleeping environment while preventing potential health risks associated with prolonged exposure to fecal stains.

Act quickly to remove solids.

Before addressing the soiled bedding, act quickly to remove any solid waste from the mattress. Carefully scoop and dispose of the solids into a plastic bag, ensuring not to spread or press it further into the fabric.

Avoid rubbing or pressing on the stain, which can cause it to fall deeper into the mattress fibers.

After removing solid waste, clean and deodorize using suitable solutions such as enzyme cleaners or a homemade hydrogen peroxide mixture. These effective options will help break down and eliminate residual remnants while neutralizing odors for a fresh-smelling mattress.

Disinfect bedding to clean the mattress effectively

To effectively disinfect bedding, start by washing it in hot water with a strong detergent to remove any lingering bacteria or fecal matter. Add white vinegar to the wash cycle to disinfect and deodorize the bedding.

After washing, if possible, expose the bedding to direct sunlight, as UV rays can help kill remaining bacteria and eliminate odors. Consider using an enzyme-based laundry additive specifically designed for sanitizing and deodorizing fabrics.

For items that cannot be machine washed, such as pillows or stuffed animals, place them in a sealed plastic bag with baking soda for 24 hours before vacuuming off the powder. This will help absorb any remaining odors while also naturally disinfecting these items.

Finally, a quick misting of diluted hydrogen peroxide on non-washable items can provide an added layer of sanitation without causing damage.

How to get diarrhea out of a mattress?

To clean a soiled mattress from diarrhea, dispose of any solid waste and assess the stain. Choose a suitable cleaner, such as white vinegar or hydrogen peroxide, remove and wash bedding, rinse the affected area with water, and deodorize using baking soda.

For more detailed steps on how to effectively remove diarrhea stains from your mattress, continue reading below.

How to clean a soiled mattress diarrhea?

To clean a soiled mattress from diarrhea, use the following steps:

  1. Remove any solid waste from the mattress immediately to prevent further absorption.
  2. Blot the affected area with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and liquid dishwashing soap to lift the stain and help eliminate odor.
  3. Sprinkle baking soda over the stained area to absorb any remaining moisture and neutralize odors. Let it sit for 15-30 minutes.
  4. Vacuum or brush off the baking soda entirely from the mattress surface.
  5. Lightly mist the area with an enzyme-based cleaner, ensuring thorough coverage, to break down any lingering organic matter further and eliminate odors.
  6. Pat dry with a clean cloth or paper towel to remove excess moisture.
  7. Allow the mattress to air dry in a well-ventilated room before replacing the bedding and using it again.

How to get poop Smell out of a mattress?

To eliminate poop smell from a mattress, follow these steps:

  1. Sprinkle baking soda liberally over the affected area to absorb and neutralize odors.
  2. Gently rub the baking soda into the mattress using a soft brush or cloth to ensure thorough coverage.
  3. Allow the baking soda to sit for at least 8 hours, ideally overnight, to absorb the odor effectively.
  4. Afterward, vacuum up the baking soda using a handheld vacuum cleaner or hose attachment, targeting all areas treated with baking soda.
  5. If any lingering odor persists, combine equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle and lightly mist the mattress surface.
  6. Leave the mattress to air dry completely before making up the bed again.

How to clean poop off a memory foam mattress?

To clean poop off a memory foam mattress, begin by blotting the affected area with an enzyme cleaner to break down the stain and eliminate odor. Then, rinse the spot thoroughly with water and allow it to air dry, or use a fan to speed up the drying process. If there is still a lingering odor, sprinkle baking soda over the spot, let it sit for several hours to absorb any remaining smells, and then vacuum it up. Remember to repeat these steps as needed until the stain and odor are completely gone.

Steps for removing stains from memory foam

To remove stains from memory foam, start by blending 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide, three tablespoons of baking soda, and a drop of liquid dishwashing soap like Dawn. Use a cloth to dab the solution onto the stained area. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes for effective stain removal. Afterward, gently blot the spot with a clean cloth until the stain is lifted, and let it air dry completely.

Tips for preventing stains on memory foam

To prevent stains on memory foam, such as urine stains, it’s essential to be proactive in protecting the mattress. A waterproof mattress protector can act as a barrier against potential spills or accidents.

Regularly washing and changing bedding is crucial in maintaining cleanliness and preventing staining. Implementing these preventative measures safeguards the memory foam from unwanted stains and contributes to overall hygiene.

Moreover, homeowners can prioritize using a mattress protector specifically designed for memory foam mattresses. This provides an added defense against liquid spills and accidents, ultimately reducing the likelihood of stains forming on the surface.


In summary, getting poop out of a mattress requires quick action and the right cleaning approach. Effective techniques such as enzyme cleaners, hydrogen peroxide solutions, and white vinegar can help remove stains and odors.

Regularly cleaning bedding and utilizing protective mattress covers can also prevent future accidents from becoming significant issues. By following these practical steps, homeowners can successfully tackle this unpleasant task and ensure a clean sleeping environment for their families. Thus, you will no longer have to worry about ‘How to clean feces from mattress?’

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I remove poop from a mattress?

Blot the area with paper towels, then clean with a solution of dish soap and water or an enzyme-based cleaner.

Is it safe to use bleach to clean a mattress stained by poop?

No, using bleach on a mattress is not recommended, as it can damage the fabric and pose health risks.

Can I put the mattress in the washing machine?

No, mattresses should not be placed in a washing machine due to their size and structure.

How do I tackle the odor after cleaning up poop from a mattress?

To address lingering odors, sprinkle baking soda over the cleaned area and let it sit for several hours before vacuuming.

Should I seek professional help for cleaning poop stains on my mattress?

If you cannot remove the stain entirely or are concerned about sanitation, consider contacting professional mattress cleaners for assistance.


Stephani (she/her) serves as the Executive Director of Strategy and Operations at, where she conducts comprehensive research, testing, and analysis of fabric-based products spanning sheets, mattresses, towels, pillows, fitness apparel, and other clothing items..Read more

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