How To Get Smoke Smell Out Of Mattress

Do you cringe at the lingering smell of smoke on your mattress? Are you searching for ways to get rid of these smells? The fact is, that smoke odor can be stubborn and challenging to remove. However, you need not worry, as this blog will guide you through proven techniques to eliminate smoke scent, especially from cigarette smoking so that you can enjoy your sleep comfortably.

Let’s journey together towards a fresher-smelling bedroom!

Key Takeaways

  • Smoke odor can stick to mattresses in different ways, including cigarette smoke, fire smoke, cooking smoke, and second-hand smoke.
  • Household items like baking soda, vodka spray, and vinegar solution can effectively remove the smoke smell from a mattress.
  • Steps for removing smoke smell or cigarette smell with baking soda include sprinkling it on the mattress, letting it sit for 24 hours, and vacuuming it off.
  • Other tips for removing the smoke smell from mattresses include taking your mattress outside to air out and using coffee grounds and essential oils as natural odor absorbers.

Types of Smoke Odor on Mattresses

Smoke smell or precisely cigarette smoke smell can stick to mattresses in many ways. There are a few types of smoke odor that you may find on your bed:

  1. Cigarette Smoke: This is the most common type of smoke smell you might find on a mattress. It comes from someone smoking near or on the bed.
  2. Fire Smoke: This happens if there is a small fire in your home. The smoke from the fire can leave an odor on your bed.
  3. Cooking Smoke: If you cook something with strong smells, it can get into your mattress.
  4. Second-hand Smoke: This is when someone smokes near the room but not directly on the bed.

How to Remove Smoke Smell and Neutralize with Household Items

To remove the smoke smell from a mattress, several household items can be used effectively.

Deodorize with baking soda to remove the smell from the mattress

Baking soda is your friend when you want to get a smoke smell out of a mattress. It is a strong deodorizer that can remove tough odors. You start by sprinkling it all over the mattress.

Let it stay there for some time, maybe a whole day. This will help to pull out the smoke smell from the bed.

After waiting, clean up the baking soda with a vacuum cleaner. Be sure to get each corner of the bed for good results. If you still notice any smoke scent, just repeat this process until it’s gone completely!

Use a vodka spray 

Vodka spray is a helpful tool for smoke odor removal. Put vodka in a misting bottle. Then, lightly spray your mattress with it. Vodka helps to take away the strong smoke smell from mattresses.

It dries fast and leaves no scent behind, making your bed fresh again!

Make a vinegar solution

One way to remove the smoke smell from a mattress is by making a vinegar solution. Vinegar is a natural odor absorber and can help neutralize the smoke scent. To make the solution, mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle or misting bottle.

Then, lightly mist the mattress with the vinegar solution, focusing on areas where the smoke smell is strongest. Allow it to air dry completely before using the mattress again. The vinegar will help eliminate the smoke odor, leaving your mattress smelling fresh and clean. Thus, you can effectively get the cigarette smell out of the mattress.

Use a natural odor remover

One effective way to remove the smoke smell of cigarettes from a mattress is by using a natural odor remover. Natural odor removers, such as baking soda and vinegar, are safe and chemical-free options that can help eliminate the lingering smoke scent.

Baking soda works as a deodorizer by absorbing odors, including smoke smells. Simply sprinkle baking soda over the mattress surface, let it sit for several hours or overnight, then vacuum it off.

Vinegar also has deodorizing properties and can be used as a mist spray to neutralize the smoke odor. Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle, then lightly mist the mattress with this mixture.

Also Read: How To Get Sweat Smell Out Of Mattress

Steps for Removing Smoke Smell with Baking Soda and Deodorize the Mattress

To effectively remove the smoke smell from your mattress using baking soda, follow these steps:

  1. Remove all bedding from the mattress.
  2. Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda evenly over the surface of the mattress.
  3. Gently rub the baking soda into the fabric using a soft brush or sponge.
  4. Leave the baking soda to sit on the mattress for at least 24 hours to allow it to absorb and neutralize odors.
  5. After 24 hours, vacuum the entire surface of the mattress thoroughly to remove the baking soda residue.
  6. Repeat this process if any lingering smoke smell remains.

By following these steps, you can effectively eliminate smoke odor from your mattress and enjoy a fresh-smelling sleep environment once again.

Remove bedding to get the cigarette smell out of the mattress 

To remove the smoke smell from your mattress, start by removing all bedding including sheets, pillowcases, and blankets. This will expose the mattress surface and make it easier to treat.

Next, you can proceed with the steps for eliminating the smoke odor using household items like baking soda or vinegar as mentioned in the previous sections. Remember that removing bedding is an important initial step to effectively freshen up your mattress and rid it of any lingering smoke scent.

Apply baking soda

To remove the smoke smell from your mattress, try using baking soda. Baking soda is a great deodorizer that can absorb and neutralize the odor. First, remove all bedding from the mattress.

Then, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the surface of the mattress. Make sure to cover it evenly. Let the baking soda sit on the mattress for several hours or overnight if possible.

This will give it enough time to absorb the smoke smell. Afterward, use a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment to thoroughly vacuum up the baking soda from the mattress surface.

Vacuum the surface

To remove the smoke smell from a mattress, one important step is to vacuum the surface. Use a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment to thoroughly clean the mattress. This will help remove any loose smoke particles and other debris that may be present on the surface.

By vacuuming the mattress, you can eliminate some of the lingering smoke odor and freshen up the bed. Make sure to go over all areas of the mattress, including sides and corners, for best results.

Repeat the process

To completely remove the smoke smell from your mattress, you may need to repeat the process multiple times. This is especially true if the odor is strong or has been embedded in the mattress for a long time.

After applying baking soda or using other methods mentioned earlier, make sure to let it sit for a few hours and then vacuum it off. If there is still some lingering smell, don’t worry, just repeat the steps until it’s gone.

It may take a few tries, but with persistence, your mattress will become fresh and smell great again.

Additionally, remember that prevention is key to keeping your mattress smelling fresh. Use a mattress cover to protect it from cigarette smoke and regularly clean and maintain your mattress following proper guidelines to avoid any future odors.

Other Tips for Removing Smoke Smell out of Mattresses

In addition to using baking soda, vodka spray, and vinegar solutions, there are other tips for effectively removing the smoke smell from mattresses. These additional methods include leaving the mattress outside, using coffee grounds and essential oils, and more.

Find out these helpful techniques to eliminate the lingering smoke odor from your mattress. 

Tips for Removing Smoke Smell out of Mattresses

Leaving the mattress outside

To remove smoke smell from your mattress, you can try leaving it outside. Fresh air and sunlight can help eliminate odors naturally. Find a clean and dry area outside where you can place the mattress for a few hours or even overnight.

Make sure the weather is sunny and not humid, as moisture can worsen the smell. The fresh air will help in reducing any lingering smoke odor on your mattress, leaving it smelling fresher.

Remember to bring the mattress back inside before nightfall to protect it from dew or rain.

coffee and oils for removing smoke smell from a mattress

Using coffee grounds and essential oils

Another natural method for removing the smoke smell from a mattress is by using coffee grounds and essential oils. Coffee grounds have been known to absorb odors, including the lingering smell of smoke.

Simply sprinkle fresh coffee grounds evenly over the mattress surface and leave them on for several hours or overnight. Then, vacuum up the coffee grounds using a handheld vacuum or a brush attachment on your regular vacuum cleaner.

Additionally, you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to further mask any remaining smoke odor. Apply the essential oil directly onto the mattress or mix it with water in a spray bottle and mist it lightly over the surface.

How to Keep Your New Mattress Smelling Fresh

To keep your mattress smelling fresh, use a mattress cover to protect against stains and odors. Regularly clean and maintain the mattress by vacuuming, spot-cleaning any spills, and airing it out in the sun.

Use a mattress cover

To prevent the smoke smell from penetrating your mattress, it is recommended to use a mattress cover. This cover acts as a barrier between the smoke and the fabric of the mattress, helping to keep it fresh and odor-free.

The cover should be made of a breathable material that allows for air circulation while also protecting against smells. By using a mattress cover, you can effectively block cigarette smoke odor from permeating your mattress and prolong its freshness.

Regularly clean and maintain the mattress

To keep your mattress smelling fresh and free from smoke odor, it is important to regularly clean and maintain it. Vacuuming the surface of the mattress every few months will help remove any dust or debris that may contribute to unwanted smells.

In addition, washing your bedding regularly can prevent smoke odors from lingering on the mattress. Consider using a mattress cover to protect against cigarette smoke permeation and other odors.

Taking these steps will ensure that your mattress stays clean and odor-free for a comfortable night’s sleep.

Conclusion To Get Smell Of Smoke Out Of The Mattress

In conclusion, there are several effective methods for removing the smoke smell from a mattress. Whether it’s using baking soda, vinegar, or natural odor removers, homeowners can successfully eliminate lingering smoke odors and keep their mattresses smelling fresh.

By following these tips and regularly cleaning and maintaining the mattress, homeowners can enjoy a clean and odor-free sleeping environment. For more in-depth information on removing smoke smell from mattresses and other helpful tips for home maintenance, be sure to take the advice of a professional to keep your mattress in the best condition.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I remove smoke smell from a mattress?

Yes, you can remove smoke smell from a mattress using baking soda and vacuuming.

How do I get smoke smell out of a mattress?

To get smoke smell out of a mattress, sprinkle baking soda over the surface, let it sit for several hours or overnight, then vacuum it up.

Do I need any special cleaning products to remove smoke smell from a mattress?

No, you don't need any special cleaning products. Baking soda is an effective and affordable option for removing smoke odor.

Can I use air fresheners to eliminate smoke odor from my mattress?

While air fresheners may temporarily mask the smell, they are not effective in removing the underlying smoke odor completely.

How long does it take to remove smoke smell from a mattress using baking soda?

The time required to remove smoke smell from a mattress using baking soda varies depending on the severity of the odor, but leaving it on for several hours or overnight is recommended for best results before vacuuming.

How long does it take for baking soda to remove smoke smell from a mattress?

It may take several hours to a few days for baking soda to remove smoke smell from a mattress.

Can I use vodka instead of vinegar to remove smoke odor?

Yes, you can use vodka as an alternative to vinegar to remove smoke odor, as it can help neutralize odors.

Is it safe to leave the mattress outside to get rid of the smoke smell?

Leaving the mattress outside can help air it out, but it should be protected from moisture and direct sunlight to prevent damage.

How often should I clean and maintain my mattress to keep it smelling fresh?

It's recommended to clean and maintain your mattress every 3-6 months to keep it smelling fresh.

Will using a mattress cover completely block cigarette smoke odor?

A mattress cover can help reduce cigarette smoke odor, but it may not completely block it if the smoke has deeply penetrated the mattress.

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Emma Sandel

Emma holds the position of Senior Editor at, where her enduring interest in sleep health and its interconnectedness with overall wellness comes to fruition. As a seasoned professional and a Certified Sleep Science Coach, Emma is dedicated to guiding individuals toward achieving optimal sleep quality, empowering them to lead their best lives...Read more

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