Vacuum Packed Mattress How Long To Expand

Vacuum Packed Mattress How Long To Expand

Are you unsure about how long your vacuum packed mattress needs to expand? You’re certainly not alone – many homeowners grapple with the same question. In this article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of unwrapping and expanding a vacuum-packed mattress, including revealing how much time is ideally needed for full decompression.

Stay tuned to get all your questions answered!

Key Takeaways

  • Vacuum packed mattresses are compressed and wrapped in plastic for shipping and storage purposes.
  • It is recommended to allow a vacuum packed mattress 24 to 72 hours to fully expand before using it.
  • Different types of mattresses may have varying expansion times, with memory foam mattresses taking longer to fully expand compared to other types.
  • It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for unwrapping and decompression when setting up a vacuum packed mattress.

Understanding Vacuum Packed Mattresses

A vacuum packed mattress is a compressed and wrapped mattress that is sealed in plastic wrap to reduce its size for shipping and storage purposes.

What is a vacuum packed mattress?

A vacuum packed mattress is made of foam. The maker puts it in a machine. This machine sucks out all the air. Then, the mattress becomes flat and small. Because it is so small, you can put this mattress in a box for easy moving or storing.

When you open the box and cut off the plastic wrap, air goes back into the foam layers. The mattress grows big again over several hours for your comfort to sleep on it.

Benefits of purchasing a vacuum packed mattress

Buying a vacuum packed mattress can offer many great benefits. First, it’s easy to bring home. The roll-up method makes it simple to move around. Second, these mattresses are stored in a box, making them perfect for small spaces.

How long can a mattress stay in the box?

A mattress can stay in the box for quite some time. Most makers say it is fine to leave a vacuum-packed mattress boxed up for a month or two. But, leaving it packed longer than six months might cause problems.

The foam layers need air to expand fully and form properly. So, it’s best to open your new mattress as soon as you can. If you wait too long, the mattress might not fully expand or feel comfortable when you lay on it.

Unwrapping Your New Mattress

To unwrap your new mattress, carefully follow the step-by-step guide provided with your purchase, ensuring that you use caution when cutting through the plastic wrap to avoid damaging the mattress.

Unwrapping New Vacuum Packed Mattress
Image source – picketandrail

Step-by-step guide

Here is a step-by-step guide to help homeowners unwrap and expand their vacuum-packed mattress:

  1. Remove the mattress from its packaging as soon as possible.
  2. Place the rolled-up mattress on a sturdy surface in your desired location.
  3. Carefully cut open the plastic wrap surrounding the mattress, being cautious not to damage the mattress itself.
  4. Allow the mattress to decompress and expand naturally.
  5. Keep in mind that most memory foam mattresses will take between 24 to 72 hours to fully expand, while other types may expand within 12-24 hours or even within a few hours for roll-up mattresses.
  6. Avoid sleeping on the mattress until it has completely expanded to its full size and regained its shape.
  7. During this time, you may notice a slight odor from off-gassing, which is normal for new mattresses. It should dissipate within a few days.
  8. Once the mattress has fully expanded, you can break it in by sleeping on it regularly.

The importance of allowing the mattress to expand

It is important to allow your mattress to fully expand before using it. When you first unwrap a vacuum-packed mattress, it may appear flat and compressed. Allowing the mattress to expand gives it time to regain its original shape and size.

This process typically involves the release of trapped air within the foam layers, which helps improve comfort and support. Additionally, allowing the mattress to expand ensures that it reaches its optimal firmness level for a good night’s sleep.

Remember that different mattresses have varying expansion times, so be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for best results.

Timeframe for full expansion

The timeframe for a vacuum-packed mattress to fully expand can vary depending on the type of mattress and brand. Most memory foam or foam mattresses recommend allowing them to expand for 24 to 72 hours.

However, for many boxed mattresses, they should fully expand within 12-24 hours once unwrapped. Roll-up mattresses usually take about 1 to 2 hours to expand after being unrolled, but it may take up to 8 hours before you can sleep on them comfortably.

Some vacuum-packed mattresses may require 24 to 48 hours to completely form and adjust after cutting off the plastic packaging. It’s important to note that allowing your new mattress enough time to fully expand before sleeping on it is recommended for optimal comfort and performance.

Breaking in Your New Mattress

To ensure maximum comfort and longevity, it is important to properly break in your new mattress. Discover helpful tips for breaking in a new mattress and how to identify if it’s too firm or too soft.

Tips for breaking in a new mattress

  • Allow your new mattress to fully expand before sleeping on it, as this can help ensure optimal comfort and support.
  • Give your mattress some time to adjust to your body weight and temperature by using it regularly for a few weeks.
  • Rotate your mattress regularly during the first few months of use to prevent uneven wear and sagging.
  • Use a mattress protector to keep your new mattress clean and protect it from spills, stains, and allergens.
  • Avoid jumping or placing heavy objects on your new mattress, as this can damage the foam layers and reduce its lifespan.
  • If you find that your new mattress is too firm or too soft, consider adding a mattress topper to adjust the level of comfort according to your preferences.

Common signs of a mattress being too firm or too soft

A mattress that is too firm or too soft can affect your comfort and sleep quality. Common signs of a mattress being too firm include waking up with body pain or discomfort, feeling like you’re sleeping on a hard surface, and experiencing pressure points on your hips, shoulders, or back.

On the other hand, if your mattress is too soft, you might sink too much into it and have difficulty getting out of bed. You may also experience sagging in certain areas of the mattress and lack proper support for your spine.

It’s important to find a balance between firmness and softness that suits your personal preference and provides adequate support for your body while you sleep.

How long does it take for a mattress in a box to expand?

The time it takes for a mattress in a box to fully expand varies depending on the brand and material but typically ranges from 24 to 48 hours. Read on to find out more about the expansion process and why it’s important to allow your new mattress to fully expand before use.

Zinus mattress how long to inflate
Image source – zinus

Zinus mattress how long to inflate?

The Zinus mattress typically takes about 48 to 72 hours to fully inflate. Once you unwrap the mattress and allow it to expand, it will need some time to regain its proper shape and firmness.

During this period, it is important to avoid sleeping on the mattress or applying any weight on it. This gives the foam enough time to breathe and expand properly. While you may notice some initial expansion within a few hours, it’s best to wait the full recommended timeframe before using your new Zinus mattress for optimal comfort and support.

Potential Issues with Vacuum-Packed Mattresses

Some potential issues that can arise with vacuum packed mattresses include a smell from off-gassing and the possibility of the mattress not fully expanding.

Smell from off-gassing

When you first open a vacuum packed mattress, you may notice a strange smell coming from it. This smell is known as off-gassing and is normal for many foam mattresses. Off-gassing occurs when chemicals used in the manufacturing process are released into the air.

While the odor can be unpleasant at first, it usually dissipates within a few days or weeks. To help speed up the process, you can remove any plastic wrapping from the mattress and allow it to air out in a well-ventilated room.

It’s important to note that not all mattresses have a strong off-gassing odor, so if this is something that concerns you, look for mattresses that are certified as low VOC (volatile organic compounds) or have gone through eco-friendly manufacturing processes.

What to do if your mattress does not expand

If your mattress does not expand properly, here are some steps you can take:

  1. Give it more time: Sometimes, mattresses need a little extra time to fully expand. If it has been less than 24 hours since you unwrapped the mattress, give it a bit more time before becoming concerned.
  2. Check for obstructions: Make sure there are no obstructions preventing the mattress from expanding properly. Remove any plastic or packaging material that may still be covering the mattress.
  3. Increase airflow: Allow for better airflow in the room by opening windows or using a fan. This can help the mattress expand more effectively.
  4. Gently break up clumps: If you notice any clumps or uneven areas on the mattress surface, gently massage them or pat them down to redistribute the foam and encourage even expansion.
  5. Contact customer service: If your mattress still does not expand after following these steps, contact the manufacturer’s customer service for further assistance. They may provide troubleshooting advice or offer a replacement if necessary.

Return Policies for Vacuum Packed Mattresses

Many mattress companies offer return policies for vacuum packed mattresses. It is important to familiarize yourself with the specific return policy of the brand you purchase from, as each company may have different terms and conditions.

Before making a decision to return your mattress, be sure to consider any signs of discomfort or dissatisfaction that may warrant a return.

Return policies for popular brand mattresses

Table 1 highlights the return policies of several popular mattress brands. Some companies offer long trial periods that allow homeowners to try out their new mattress for a few months before making a final decision. It’s important to remember that any return will require the mattress to be in good condition, free of stains and damage.

Brand Return Policy Trial Period
Casper Full refund within 100 days, with free returns and pickups 100 nights
Purple Full refund within 100 days, with free returns and pickups 100 nights
Nectar Full refund within 365 days, but a return fee applies in some cases 365 nights
Helix Full refund within 100 days, with free returns and pickups 100 nights
Leesa Full refund within 100 days, with free returns and pickups 100 nights

Remember, it’s essential to allow your new mattress to fully expand before sleeping on it, which can take several hours to a few days depending on the brand and type of mattress. If the mattress does not meet your comfort expectations after the recommended expansion period, consider returning it within the trial period.

Signs that you may need to return your mattress

If you’re not happy with your vacuum packed mattress, there are some signs that may indicate it’s time to return it. One of the most obvious signs is if the mattress doesn’t fully expand within the recommended timeframe.

If it’s been more than 72 hours and your mattress is still not fully formed, it could be a sign of a problem. Another sign is if the mattress feels uncomfortable or doesn’t provide the desired level of support.

If you’re experiencing pain or discomfort after sleeping on the mattress for a few nights, it might be worth returning and trying a different one. Additionally, if there are any defects or damage to the mattress upon arrival, that would also be a valid reason to return it.

Making the Most Out of Your Vacuum Packed Mattress

To maximize the benefits of your vacuum packed mattress, consider investing in a high-quality mattress topper for added comfort and support. Additionally, regularly rotating and flipping the mattress can help prevent uneven wear and prolong its lifespan.

Don’t forget to follow proper care instructions provided by the manufacturer to maintain the quality of your mattress for years to come.

Product recommendations for better sleep

Product Recommendations for Better Sleep:

  1. Memory Foam Mattress: Consider investing in a memory foam mattress for optimal comfort and support during sleep.
  2. Mattress Topper: Adding a mattress topper can provide an extra layer of cushioning and improve the overall feel of your mattress.
  3. Adjustable Bed Frame: If you have specific sleep preferences or suffer from conditions like acid reflux or snoring, an adjustable bed frame can help you find the perfect sleeping position.
  4. Cooling Pillows: For those who tend to get hot at night, cooling pillows can regulate body temperature and promote a more restful sleep.
  5. White Noise Machine: If you struggle with falling asleep due to external noises, a white noise machine can mask disruptive sounds and create a soothing environment.
  6. Blackout Curtains: Blocking out external light with blackout curtains can help create a darker sleep environment, promoting better sleep quality.
  7. Sleep Tracker: Using a sleep tracker device or app can provide insights into your sleep patterns, allowing you to make adjustments for better sleep hygiene.

Tips for maintaining the quality of your mattress

To keep your mattress in top condition, here are some tips:

  1. Use a mattress protector: Investing in a good quality mattress protector can help prevent stains, spills, and general wear and tear on your mattress.
  2. Rotate your mattress: Regularly rotating your mattress can promote even wear and prevent sagging in specific areas. Aim to rotate it every 3-6 months.
  3. Keep it clean: Vacuum your mattress regularly to remove dust, dirt, and allergens. If there are any stains, spot-clean them using a mild detergent and water.
  4. Avoid jumping on the bed: Jumping on the bed can strain the springs or foam layers of your mattress, causing damage over time.
  5. Don’t overload the bed: Avoid placing heavy objects or sitting on the edges of the mattress for prolonged periods as this can affect its shape and stability.
  6. Allow for airflow: Ensure that your mattress has proper airflow by avoiding covering it with plastic or storing items underneath it. This helps prevent moisture buildup and mold growth.
  7. Follow manufacturer’s instructions: Different mattresses may have specific care instructions, so always refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines for cleaning and maintenance.

Comparison with Other Types of Mattresses

Memory foam, spring, and latex mattresses are the most common types of mattresses available on the market. Each type has its own set of pros and cons that should be considered when making a purchasing decision.

Memory foam vs. spring vs. latex mattresses

Memory foam, spring, and latex mattresses
Image source – eachnight

Memory foam, spring, and latex mattresses all have their unique features and benefits. Homeowners might find it challenging to choose the right one according to their preferences and needs.

Type of Mattress Pros Cons
Memory Foam Mattress Memory foam mattresses are well-known for their pressure-relieving properties. They conform to the body and distribute weight evenly. Most memory foam mattresses take 24 to 72 hours to expand. These mattresses can retain heat and may not be the best choice for hot sleepers. They can also be somewhat difficult to move on.
Spring Mattress Spring mattresses offer a classic, bouncy feel. They are often more breathable than memory foam mattresses due to their coil construction. They usually fully expand within 12-24 hours once unwrapped. Spring mattresses may not offer the same level of contouring and pressure relief as memory foam or latex mattresses. They can also be noisy.
Latex Mattress Latex mattresses are highly durable and offer good support and pressure relief. They are also natural and eco-friendly. Roll-up latex mattresses usually expand within the first 1 to 2 hours of being unrolled, but may take up to 8 hours to be fully ready to sleep on. Latex mattresses can be quite heavy and more expensive than other types. Some people may also find them to be too firm.

When making a decision, it is important that homeowners consider their sleeping preferences, budget, and any potential sleeping concerns they may have. Each type of mattress has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and what works for one person may not work for another.


In conclusion, it is important to allow your vacuum packed mattress enough time to fully expand before using it. Most mattresses will expand within 12-24 hours once unwrapped, but memory foam mattresses may take up to 72 hours.

Remember to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and be patient during the expansion process for the best sleeping experience on your new mattress.


Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for a vacuum-packed mattress to expand?

It typically takes about 24-48 hours for a vacuum-packed mattress to fully expand and regain its original shape.

Can I sleep on the mattress while it is expanding?

It is not recommended to sleep on the mattress while it is still expanding as this can affect its overall comfort and support.

Is there anything I need to do to help the mattress expand faster?

No, you don't need to do anything specific to help the mattress expand faster. Simply remove it from its packaging and allow it some time to naturally regain its shape.

Will my new vacuum-packed mattress have any odor when it expands?

It is possible for a new vacuum-packed mattress to have a slight odor when it expands, but this should dissipate after a few days of airing out in a well-ventilated room.

How can I ensure that my vacuum-packed mattress expands properly?

To ensure proper expansion of your vacuum-packed mattress, make sure you follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully and provide sufficient space for the mattress to fully expand without any obstructions or weight on top of it.


Stephani (she/her) serves as the Executive Director of Strategy and Operations at, where she conducts comprehensive research, testing, and analysis of fabric-based products spanning sheets, mattresses, towels, pillows, fitness apparel, and other clothing items..Read more

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