How To Get Milk Out Of Mattress

Have you ever accidentally spilled milk on your mattress and wondered how to clean it? Remember to not ignore these mil stains and odors. This is because milk, when not cleaned properly, leaves not only a stubborn stain but also emits an unpleasant smell.

Fret no more! This blog offers effective methods to remove milk stains from your mattress along with useful tips for eliminating the odor. Read ahead to discover your ultimate guide for cleaning that pesky spill and keeping your mattress fresh as new!

Key Takeaways

  • Absorb excess milk by blotting it with paper towels or a clean cloth.
  • Apply a cleaning solution of equal parts water and mild dish soap to the stained area.
  • Gently blot and rinse the area with cold water until the soap is fully removed.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner to dry and remove any remaining moisture from the mattress.

How to get milk smell out of mattress?

To get the milk smell out of a mattress, first, absorb any excess milk by blotting it with paper towels or a clean cloth. Then, apply a cleaning solution made of equal parts water and mild dish soap to the stained area.

Gently blot and rinse the area with cold water until the soap is fully removed. After that, use a vacuum cleaner to dry and remove any remaining moisture from the mattress.

Absorb Excess Milk

Start by getting rid of the milk. Use a clean cloth to blot up extra milk on your mattress. This step will help keep the stain from spreading more or soaking deeper into your bed.

Apply Cleaning Solution

Pour Era liquid detergent into hot water. This mix is good at getting rid of the sour milk smell from your mattress. Use a clean cloth to spread this solution onto the stained area. It’s best to cover the entire stain with it.

Put borax powder over the wet spot next. Make sure to put enough so it covers all of the stains. This helps lift out more milk and cleans deeper stains as well.

Blot and Rinse

Start by blotting the milk stain. Use a clean cloth to soak up as much milk as you can from your mattress. Push down on the cloth but do not rub it. Rubbing will make the milk go deeper into the mattress.

After blotting, rinse off any leftover milk on the surface of your mattress with cold water. Try not to make your mattress too wet during this process. The goal is to remove all remaining milk residues without making your bed soggy and harder to dry later.

Vacuum and Dry

To get milk out of a mattress, the next step after blotting and rinsing is to vacuum and dry the affected area. This helps remove any remaining moisture and ensures that the mattress is clean and fresh.

To start, use a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment to gently suction up any residue or particles left from the milk spill. Make sure to go over the entire soiled area thoroughly.

After vacuuming, allow the mattress to air dry completely before using it again. This will prevent mold or mildew from forming and help eliminate any lingering odors. Remember, proper drying is important for maintaining a clean and hygienic mattress.

Tips for Removing Odor

Avoid using baking soda and vinegar as they can leave behind residues. Instead, try using a different cleaning solution that is specifically designed to remove odors from mattresses.

Soak up any moisture left after cleaning to prevent mold growth. Want more tips? Keep reading!

Avoid Baking Soda and Vinegar

Baking soda and vinegar are commonly recommended for cleaning purposes, but when it comes to getting milk out of a mattress, it’s best to avoid using them. While baking soda may help absorb odors, it might not be strong enough to fully clean milk stains from the mattress.

Similarly, vinegar might not effectively remove the sour milk smell. It’s important to use other cleaning solutions that are specifically designed for removing milk stains and odor from mattresses.

So instead of relying on baking soda and vinegar, try using a detergent solution or other specialized cleaners that can get the job done effectively.

Try Another Cleaning Solution

If the milk smell persists after using baking soda and vinegar, it may be worth trying another cleaning solution. One option is to mix a solution of warm water and mild liquid detergent.

Gently blot this mixture onto the milk stain using a clean cloth or sponge. Avoid rubbing, as this could push the milk deeper into the mattress fibers. After blotting, rinse the area with clean water and then use a vacuum to remove any excess moisture.

Finally, allow the mattress to dry completely before using it again. Remember, different cleaning solutions work differently for each situation, so don’t be afraid to experiment until you find what works best for your mattress.

Soak Up Moisture

To effectively remove milk from a mattress, it’s important to soak up any excess moisture as soon as possible. This can be done by using a clean cloth or paper towels to blot the area gently.

By removing the liquid before it has a chance to seep deep into the mattress, you can prevent the milk from leaving behind stains and odors. Soaking up moisture is an essential step in ensuring that your mattress stays clean and fresh.

How to get dried milk out of mattress?

To get dried milk out of a mattress, you can follow these steps. First, sprinkle baking soda liberally over the soiled area. Let it sit for some time to absorb any odors. Then, use a vacuum cleaner to remove the baking soda and dried milk residue from the mattress.

Next, mix a solution of warm water and mild liquid detergent in a spray bottle. Spray this solution onto the dried milk stain on the mattress. Use a clean cloth or sponge to blot the area gently, working from the outside of the stain toward the center.

Continue blotting until no more milk comes off onto the cloth. Rinse out your cloth or sponge with clean water and continue blotting to remove any soap residue from the mattress.

Afterward, allow the mattress to air dry completely before using it again. You can speed up drying by placing fans near it or opening windows for ventilation.

Remember not to scrub vigorously or rub excessively as this may damage your mattress fabric or spread the stain further.

By following these steps, homeowners can effectively remove dried milk stains from their mattresses and keep them fresh and clean for better sleep quality.


In conclusion, removing milk stains and odor from a mattress can be done with simple cleaning solutions and techniques. By promptly blotting up excess milk, applying a cleaning solution, and thoroughly drying the mattress, homeowners can effectively get rid of milk stains.

It is important to avoid using baking soda and vinegar, as they may not be effective in removing the sour milk smell. Instead, try other cleaning solutions like Era liquid detergent or borax to tackle stubborn stains.

By following these tips, you can quickly and easily clean their mattresses after a spilled milk incident.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get milk out of a mattress?

To remove milk from a mattress, start by blotting up as much liquid as possible with a clean cloth or paper towel, then sprinkle baking soda over the affected area and let it sit to absorb the odor. Vacuum up the baking soda after about 30 minutes.

Can I use water to clean milk stains on my mattress?

Using water can make the stain spread and potentially damage your mattress further, so it is best to avoid using water when cleaning milk stains. Stick to dry methods like blotting and using baking soda.

What if there's a lingering smell after removing milk from my mattress?

If the smell persists even after removing the milk stain, you can try sprinkling some vinegar or an odor-neutralizer specifically made for mattresses onto the affected area. Let it sit for a few hours before vacuuming it up.

Is it necessary to have professional cleaning to get rid of milk stains on my mattress?

In most cases, professional cleaning is not necessary for removing milk stains from a mattress. With prompt action and proper cleaning techniques like blotting and using baking soda, you can effectively remove the stain yourself at home.

Will removing a milk stain also get rid of any bacteria that may be present in my mattress?

While proper cleaning techniques can help eliminate bacteria associated with the milk stain, it's always good practice to regularly clean your entire mattress to maintain its cleanliness and hygiene levels by vacuuming or spot-cleaning any other spills or dirt buildup that may occur over time.

Emma Sandel

Emma holds the position of Senior Editor at, where her enduring interest in sleep health and its interconnectedness with overall wellness comes to fruition. As a seasoned professional and a Certified Sleep Science Coach, Emma is dedicated to guiding individuals toward achieving optimal sleep quality, empowering them to lead their best lives...Read more

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